Billiard vs Carom

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If you’re an avid pet lover and enjoy spending time with your furry friends, have you ever considered introducing them to the game of billiards or carom? While it might seem unusual at first, there are a lot of benefits for both you and your pet in playing these games. 

So if you’re looking for something new and different to do together that provides mental stimulation and physical activity, then this is worth considering! In this blog post, we’ll compare billiard versus carom to highlight their commonalities as well as the differences between the two games – just another way for you and your beloved pet to connect.

Is Carom a variant of billiards?

Carrom, or carroms, might look a whole lot like billiards — with its rectangular board, flat disks, and cues used to move pieces around — but it’s a game all its own. While closely related in some ways to billiards, carom features different pieces and rules that make for a unique experience. 

Originating in India centuries ago and relying on skillful precision more so than luck, the game is currently played all over the world. If you’re looking for something that doesn’t quite feel like shooting pool it might be worth giving Carom a try!

What is carom in billiard?

Carom billiard is an exciting and classic game that involves bouncing balls off the cushions of a table to designate points. It is a popular two-player game beloved by amateur players as well as professional athletes alike. Carom requires tremendous skill and finesse, as it is much more difficult than traditional pocket billiards. 

To be successful, a player must combine strength with precision, knowledge of angles, speed control, and length of strokes — all within a single shot if possible. Even the experts can struggle with carom billiard!

What is the difference between carom and snooker?

Carom and snooker are both cue sports that can be played on a billiard table, but there are some distinctions between the two. Carom is a game typically played with three balls – two white and one red – while snooker uses 15. In carom, players must use their cue stick to bank their shot off of the bumper rails, whereas in snooker potting the ball into pockets is required for points. 

There is also a greater strategy needed for carom massé shots than in snooker. Despite these differences though, when it comes down to it, carom and snooker have the same overall aim – to pocket all your pieces before your opponent beats you to it!

What is the difference between billiards and pools?

Billiards and pool are two of the most popular types of cue sports around but there are some important differences between them. Billiards is played on a larger table with no pockets, while its counterpart pool is played on a smaller table with pockets located around the cushion-rimmed perimeter. 

Typically, billiards requires more precision and strategy, as players must aim to hit both the object balls and the rail cushion in each shot, with points counting for specific shots depending on rules established by the game’s governing body. Conversely, the pool is more focused on potting balls in numerical order with one of the two primary strokes: English or masse. No matter which type you choose to play, they’re both lots of fun and can provide hours of entertainment!

What are the three types of billiards?

Billiards has been around for centuries, providing hours of fun and amusement for worldwide audiences. It comes in many variations, but three distinct versions remain the most popular: pool, snooker, and carom billiards. Pool tends to show up in casual environments with smaller tables, while snooker is set apart by its 15 red balls, six “colored” balls, and a bigger table. 

Carom billiards is characterized by its three-cushion shots where players must have one cue ball move off two rails before making contact with an object ball. Whichever you choose to play, there’s no denying that billiards is an exciting way to pass the time!

What is regular billiards called?

If you’re not familiar with billiards, then it might surprise you to learn that there’s more than one version. Regular billiards is just called “pool” since most people play it using a pool table. It has a lot of variations and is played with six to fifteen object balls and one cue ball. 

Players can use any type of cue depending on their preferences, but the standard rule requires them to hit the cue ball first when aiming at the object balls they wish to sink into pockets. The pool can be played casually in bars or homes, but some serious enthusiasts will take part in tournaments or even bet on the game!

Can I play pool with a carom cue?

Playing pool with a carom cue may sound strange, but it can be surprisingly fun if you give it a try! Carom cues are shorter and stiffer than regular pool cues, so they require some adjusting to get used to. 

The best way to give it a go is to find a comfortable stance and figure out the best speed for the shortened stroke. It’s worth experimenting with for an interesting twist on the classic game of pool!


With all that has been said in the post, it is clear to see why billiard and carom are two distinct games. While they both use a cue stick and at least two balls, that’s pretty much where the similarities stop. Billiards offers pocketed tables with no rails; Carom has rails but no pockets and players must hit rail cushions before hitting their opponent’s ball as part of their game-play strategy. 

Even something as small as the table size speaks volumes about each game – billiard is larger to accommodate pockets and thicker materials, while carom is slimmed down to focus on speed rather than precision positioning of the balls. 

Whether you’re looking for a relaxing evening around a billiard table with friends or an intense, high-energy competition at a carom tournament, there’s something for everyone. From the bank, shots to jump shots, hybrid strategies, and more – each game will undoubtedly keep players entertained for hours on end.

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John Brun

John Brun

For the past 21 years, I have been dedicating a lot of my time and energy to the game of billiards. Over this period, I have participated in countless tournaments and competitions at local, regional, and international levels.

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