The game of billiards requires a lot of money and time to play. Luckily, there are ways to bank in billiards without spending too much or sacrificing your free time. If you’re reading this, it’s likely because you already know how expensive playing billiards can be. That’s why you should start banking in billiards as soon as possible.
To help you do just that, we’ll give you some tips on how to bank in billiards at a reasonable cost while still making money in the process.
What Is a Bank Shot in Billiards?
A bank shot is when the cue ball must hit or bank off of at least three object balls, including one in hand and two other object balls on the table, before it can be pocketed. While a bank shot doesn’t necessarily have to land in the pocket, it usually does.
The most common way to do this is through a combination shot (also known as a combination stroke), where there are four shots in total.
A combination shot consists of shooting with your cue ball first, shooting with your cue ball second, shooting with your target ball third, and finally shooting with your cue ball last. If you don’t want to learn how to make an individual bank shot yet, you can shoot the same combination shot again later on in game.
If people want to watch you play billiards and they enjoy watching both professional and amateur games alike, they will likely be more interested if there is some action going on during the game. This means that it would be nice if you could keep things moving along during the course of a game instead of just standing around waiting for an opponent’s mistake or making an impossible shot like many players tend to do. Depending on what kind of player you are and what kind of style you like playing, you might elect for a different strategy. But one thing all players should consider is whether or not their team has the stamina and skill necessary for executing such a strategy effectively during a full nine- or fifteen-frame
Are Bank Shots Easier?
The first step to banking in billiards is understanding how to bank shots. If you know how to bank shots, then you should consider playing a game of snooker.
As you can imagine, playing a game like snooker requires much more practice than practicing for games like pool, but the practice pays off.
One way to practice for snooker without spending too much money on the equipment is by playing the pocket billiards which is less expensive and only has 13 balls.
Where Should You Aim the Ball To Do a Bank Shot?
This is probably the most important question you can ask yourself before playing. Knowing where to bank in your shot will determine how much you’ll make and how well you’ll play.
It really depends on your style of play, but there are a few places that are reasonable targets to aim the ball. Some easy targets might be the two cushions at opposite ends of the table. Another good one is just above the head of your opponent. It might take some practice, but eventually these shots will come naturally.
You should also focus on shooting balls into pockets with a higher value than those around them. If you want to bank in with a shot that has a high chance of winning, start by aiming for the centre pocket or any pocket with a natural angle for success (see diagram).
How Are Bank Shots Calculated in Billiards?
The game of billiards is all about scoring and making points. The score is calculated by adding the number of points that you make during a shot, subtracting the number of balls that you pocket, and multiplying it by your break percentage. To get a bank shot in billiards requires you to have 16 points or less in your pocket before shooting. If you had 16 points or more when shooting, you would need to get the ball into the other player’s pocket in order for a bank shot to be considered successful.